
Choosing Joy

My Mr. Wonderful has a phrase he says sometimes. He says, "can't complain," when someone asks how he's doing. I love it! Often he reminds me in this simple way that complaining isn't really helpful! Hahaha! We all have things about which we could complain. The secret to being happy lies in making the best… Continue reading Choosing Joy

Character, Homemaking

Suddenly Homeschoolers

Many years ago, my family decided that homeschool was the only option. Private school was not in the budget, and the local public schools were failing. In fact, those local schools are exactly dead last in the nation, 20 years later. My children were very young, and I thought that since I could read, I… Continue reading Suddenly Homeschoolers


Homeschool Planning: High School Years

It's no secret that I have a bunch of teens and young adults living in my house. I feel pretty lucky to have all of my kids at home during these interesting times! As I plan for the upcoming homeschool year, I thought I'd share some veteran homeschool tactics for high school. Most colleges have… Continue reading Homeschool Planning: High School Years